Everyone knows that not everybody that visits your websites is going to become a customer. In fact, the vast majority won't, even if they are a part of your target market. It is very easy to waste time, effort, and money on trying to get the wrong people into your sales funnel that will do you no good.
You have to know who exactly is your ideal prospect before you start spending too much in the way of resources to try to get people to your business that will neither be interested nor happy to be a part of it.
Something very important to understand is that people would much rather buy from others whom they know, like, and trust. This is something that you can fairly easily accomplish with each prospect and customer of yours, whether you actually meet them and talk to them or not.
Now, building this kind of trust can take a while to do, but in the long run, it is worth it, as those who trust you are much more likely to buy from you and come back. Not only that, they will be much more likely to refer other business to you later, buiding your operation's strength for long-term success.
These people can very quickly become qualified buyers once your reputation has been established. Maybe these people started with a freebie that you gave them or a small-ticket item, but they will be more likely to buy a bigger ticket item later, too. Once a purchase has been made, they are much more likely to be a source of further income for your business.
If you want them to keep coming back, you have to consistently provide them with quality information related to the niche that you are in. If you want to work your way up to bigger ticket items for your customers, you have to show that you will provide quality and value, especially with information that they are interested in that could help them in some way.
You can start with articles and ebooks, but you need other things like home study courses, other reports, and the like in the pipeline before launching your venture. This way, if things do begin to happen for you quickly, you'll be prepared to handle the business and fill their needs.
At this point, it has become very important to remind your customers that you are there and that you have products and services to fill their needs. The best way to do this is with an opt-in email list or mailing list.
When you first offer them something for free to get them on your marketing list, not only are you trying to get them to give you their information, you are giving them a taste of what they can expect from you with regard to information. This helps them to determine whether your information, products, and services are right for them.
This is good and important because not only do these people want to make sure you're right for them, you want them to be right for you, too. Not only does this build trust between you, it also cuts down on clutter. Even with a huge marketing list, you won't do well if those folks are not in the right market. As long as they are the right people to have in your sales funnel, you can have a mutually beneficial relationship that will help your business and reputation.
If you provide value, these people will gladly give you their information with the expectation that you will be sending them promotional offers and such and be open to reading them. Many will even be excited to see what you have to offer next. If not, you will just be another name in their inbox, and they will eventually leave you or even resent you.
It is absolutely imperative to make it worth their while to keep coming back to you for information, products, and services. Keeping them abreast of upcoming promotions, articles, new releases, and such is another excellent way of keeping up the suspense and excitement on their end.
If you want lifelong customers, you have to work hard and be dedicated to them. You need to plan your marketing and content well so that you can effectively move people to trust you and keep returning. If you can do this, you will have customers for life.
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